The Conqueror 2 Lore:
To Tower comes a war in red; an orphan sounds the empire’s call. Mortal angels mourn the dead while lightless light wraps night in pall.
Excerpt from a letter written by Lord Shaxx to the Speaker, dated three years ago:
I do not appreciate wasting time that should be spent forging Guardians into their best selves. But since you have seen fit to launch a formal investigation into my beliefs, I will explain them as simply as I can for you.
I am no “follower” of anything. I believe thanatology is just an excuse for insomnia and that Ahamkaras are for cheaters. I find the Acataleptic belief that Darkness is incomprehensible to be pessimistic nihilism, and its opposite-the Osirian position that Darkness must be understood-to be misanthropic narcissism.
But I will also take good ideas where I can get them. And Osiris’s belief that Guardian minds and bodies can be sharpened as one sharpens a sword is a damn good idea. You’ve seen the results in the Crucible. Do I really have to say any more?
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