Royal Chase Lore:
“If anyone asks why you’re out here, just reload.” -Devrim Kay
VanNet/PRXC SCOUT WIDEBAND//:AudCHNL-33295, Public//:LogSkew-859128312785
VGS-6: You still tracking that monster near Saturn?
PXC-0: Yes. Nil-1 is holding position directly over Titan. On mark… uh, 27 hours. Rotating off in three.
VGS-6: Long shift. You Praxic boys are cold. Regret your induction yet?
PXC-0: It’s not a problem. We don’t sleep.
VGS-6: Right.
[Dead air.]
VGS-6: I mean, you do sleep.
PXC-0: Negative.
VGS-6: Come on. I’ve met Guardians before.
PXC-0: We do not.
VGS-6: Don’t make me call in the Gunny.
PXC-0: Your Gunny would know better than to argue with the Order.
VGS-6: Okay, listen JEFF. You’re not THE Order. I don’t give a sh-
PXC-0: Quiet. Energy rev spooling from the target…
VGS-6: What? You said it was basically dead.
PXC-0: Basically… Verim, record this. Establish direct feed uplink with NavTAC.
PXC-0-Verim: Uplink connectivity is spotty. Gravitational anomaly detec—no it’s collaps—
[Inaudible. Interference.]
[Dead air. Silent minutes.]
PXC-0: (Breathing heavily) NavTAC, return. Link reads as established… NavTAC, return. Telemetric positioning pins us on the opposing side of Saturn. Displacement reads as roughly 470,000km. Titan is… Titan is gone. This doesn’t make any sense.
PXC-0: NavTAC. Vanguard Recon, come in. Tower actual? Harriet, are you out there?
[Signal Redacted]
[Transmission Redacted]
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