Not Forgotten Lore:
“Guardians never die. But we don’t forget those who do.” -Lord Shaxx
Josef opened the door. Shaxx filled the hallway beyond.
“You look like hell,” said the Crucible Handler.
Josef scoffed. “Get out of here. I have Hive to hunt. No time for the Crucible today.”
“Hive. You lost her on the Moon?”
Josef said nothing.
“You aren’t the only Guardian to leave loved ones behind on that rock.” Shaxx held out a long, lacquered box. “The Gunsmith asked me to deliver this personally.”
“What’s Banshee thinking? I can’t afford this.”
“I took care of it. Scavenged parts from my personal collection.”
Josef considered it a moment.
“It’s a good gun.”
“She was a good dog. This isn’t a replacement. But it will help you finish your business with the Hive. Then I expect to see you back in the Crucible. We could use the inspiration.”
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