Microcosm Lore:
We all owe our existence to one singular moment, long ago.
Temperature: -65° C
Weather: Dust storm
Precipitation: 0%
Humidity: 67%
Wind: 25 mph
Carbon Dioxide: 95%
Time passes. Metal corrodes. Dust jams. Decay. Decay. Decay.
Temperature: -100° C
Weather: Clear
Precipitation: 0%
Humidity: 108%
Wind: 30 mph
Carbon Dioxide: 94%
To alter the nature of an entire world is no small thing. Mortal hands struggle to affect it. Cyanobacteria, little toilers of the deep seas, take millions of years of the sun’s light to make the simplest and most necessary of changes: oxidation.
Temperature: -54° C
Weather: Fog
Precipitation: 0%
Humidity: 98%
Wind: 0 mph
Carbon Dioxide: 95%
But there is a tipping point. A great explosion. Once achieved, there is a moment of balance. The rest flows freely and easily, faster and faster, as that which is built mounts and mounts and mounts. Atmosphere condenses, heat no longer escapes, rain falls, and bacteria born in a single lightning strike become multi-celled organisms, and on and on and on. Green and bright, and growing, growing, growing…
Temperature: -10° C
Weather: Cloudy
Precipitation: 26%
Humidity: 67%
Wind: 7 mph
Carbon Dioxide: 50% and dropping rapidly
That is what it is for. That is the purpose—that moment of transformation and creation, of opening what was closed, of the first rain falling on untouched dirt. In that split second there is potential, there is the beginning of every life that will ever call this place home. From the singularity of the tipping point, a magnitude of futures spiraling outward forever, forever, forever.
Temperature: 17° C
Weather: Rainy
Precipitation: 86%
Humidity: 78%
Wind: 14 mph
Atmosphere: 20% oxygen, 80% nitrogen, trace amounts of other elements
What a privilege to witness you, at that time and at that place, as you turn your shielded faces up to the falling rain.
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