Malfeasance Lore:
“Nothing kills a Guardian faster than another Guardian.” -The Drifter
Yes, I wrote you a note. I want you to burn this in your memory. If you’re wielding this gun, I’ve already told you all this and more. But I want you to keep it fresh in mind.
I want you to have this. You may need it. You and I have done a lot together in this system, and I hope and pray we’ll get to do a lot more.
It’ll be a lot safer with you wearin’ one of these. It’s the culmination of a lot of things. Long time ago I set out to find a replacement for a weapon called Thorn. This will never be that, but to me, it’s better. We built it together.
And all of us, with this in hand? Even the Man with the Golden Gun should have pause.
Maybe we can’t out-shoot him. Maybe he can’t be out-shot. But if we all take our shot together? We don’t have to beat him to it.
He’ll die, too.
Remember this. For when the day comes.
-The Drifter
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