Jack Queen King 3 Lore:
An army meets, and stands, and falls. Three nobles wage their hopeless war. In shifting madness, evil crawls. One stands above the battle’s roar.
From the journals of Ikora Rey
When I studied with Osiris, he would often tell me: “I see failure in your future.” No matter how hard I worked, no matter how strong I became, always: “I still see failure.”
I think now what he saw was Io.
When I lost my Light and retreated from a ruined City, when I arrived on Io to find only silence, I too thought I had failed. Even after Ghaul’s defeat and the Traveler’s waking, I told my friends I thought the Traveler had tested me, and that I had failed its test.
But now I’m not so sure.
Perhaps what Osiris saw for me-what I experienced on Io-was simply that I needed help. That most Human of conditions. I needed to be in a fireteam, and to be a fireteam for others in turn.
How like Osiris to see that and name it failure.
I won’t make that mistake again.
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