Chattering Bone Lore:
We have so much to discuss, o seeker mine.
Nadiya sipped her tea, calm and collected. Shinobu sat back, looking perplexed. “Really, the entire summer?”
The serpent that claimed to look like her mother sat across from the two of them, smiling broadly. “Why would I lie? I’m telling you, the whole summer you wore that dress. We had to tackle you to get the thing off of you, get you to bathe.”
The serpent plucked the dainty cup from the white saucer and set it to her lips before continuing. “Your brother called you stinkbug for years. Until… you know.”
Nadiya reached over and took the other Hunter’s hand in her own. “It would lie because it’s fulfilling your wish, Nobu.”
Shinobu searched the serpent’s face. Her mother just smiled again, all teeth and secrets. Shinobu felt tears at the corners of her eyes. Her voice was barely a whisper. “Okay. Now.”
The burst from the pulse rifle was loud, and Nadiya pulled the trigger again and again and again.
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