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Ice Breaker

Ice Breaker

Ice Breaker Lore: Please replace these components if use causes fatal damage: HEAT SINK. MAGAZINE. OPERATOR. The foundry is silent now. Shell casings litter the floor. They clatter away from the bootfalls of the Warlock Shayura as she weaves between the downed chassis of combat frames branded with the sigil of the Häkke foundry. “Security is disabled,” Shayura says over an encrypted channel. She’s quick to cross the foundry floor, checking the disabled frames one by one as she progresses to a sealed vault door. The door’s surface is marked with a glyph unfamiliar to her. It looks like a fish hook, or perhaps an anchor. “Is this what we’re looking for?” [[Confirmed. That’s the same symbol on the weapon the Vanguard recovered from Seraph Station. Golden Age, possibly older.]] Shayura extends one arm, wreathed in Solar fire, and manifests a searing white Dawnblade that she uses to cut through the door in a single stroke. Half of the vault door crashes to the floor and falls to the side, sizzling on a glowing hot edge. Shayura then floats into the air, drifting through the partial opening. [[We need any records you can find. Anything where BrayTech and Häkke overlap.]] Shayura dispatches her Ghost to scan rows of server racks containing decompiled engrams. Nearby weaponry is mounted on vault walls. Prototype firearms, alien weapons, unrecognizable technology from across Sol. A sniper rifle of Human design catches her eye; a red and gray body with some kind of thermal plating on the barrel. Her fingertips brush over the serial number stenciled on it: X-032782. It’s an Ice Breaker. She remembers when the Vanguard commissioned this design from Häkke, remembers when it was outlawed for being “dangerous and unfit for duty.” The design was later stolen and replicated. Hefting the Ice Breaker from the wall, Shayura turns to watch her Ghost scan and download Häkke’s archives. “Find what you’re looking for?” [[Skimming. I see some interesting details. Häkke’s Golden-Age predecessor had a terrestrial office in what was once the city of Chicago. They were involved in the development of gravity-based weapons. No BrayTech connections yet.]] Shayura freezes. “Chicago?” The tombs below Old Chicago haunt her periphery. Every ambient noise in the derelict foundry becomes a threat. She pushes past the fear, past the panic. That isn’t now. “What does Chicago have to do with anything?” [[I’m not sure…]] her handler on the other end of the comms says. [[But whatever it is goes back a long, long time.]] Discover More Weapons Here



Avalanche Lore: If they’re close enough to see it start, then they’d better run. Discover More Weapons Here – ext Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ornare placerat interdum. Integer sollicitudin gravida sem quis tempor. In pharetra placerat molestie. Nam sodales finibus est sed gravida. Sed tristique semper mi, sed finibus ex vulputate molestie. Suspendisse mollis quam ut aliquam sodales. Proin elementum, odio in auctor volutpat, arcu arcu consectetur diam, quis porttitor nibh quam a lacus. Donec efficitur vitae erat at auctor. Suspendisse erat mauris, mollis nec justo ac, fringilla ultrices neque. Pellentesque vel facilisis ipsum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Suspendisse dignissim urna dui, quis posuere magna tincidunt eu. Nam vitae pulvinar dui, a auctor ex. Morbi in aliquet magna. Maecenas luctus dui ac tellus volutpat tempor. Quisque at vehicula lacus, in molestie tellus. Duis consequat odio sit amet posuere pulvinar. Quisque sapien ex, porttitor eget imperdiet eu, varius quis nibh. Praesent id rhoncus dui. Duis nunc ex, accumsan quis fringilla ut, scelerisque eu lectus. Sed tristique non elit sed porttitor. Etiam scelerisque elit mi, et bibendum metus egestas vitae. Proin a purus a ligula eleifend eleifend. Proin nec molestie odio. Proin tincidunt neque congue enim sodales eleifend a et velit. Sed mollis quis dolor ut semper. Phasellus nisi lacus, egestas sed lectus a, finibus lacinia massa. Nulla consectetur nibh quis varius porta. Donec ac dui id ex ultrices lobortis. Pellentesque lacinia erat vel massa ultricies, eget feugiat neque fermentum. Nam vestibulum metus ac est dignissim rutrum. Sed aliquet egestas turpis, ac molestie urna fringilla et. Vivamus ut mauris pretium ante aliquet dapibus. Morbi a pellentesque massa. In nibh leo, tincidunt gravida urna at, suscipit finibus turpis. Duis sed dictum dolor. Etiam tincidunt mauris nec turpis volutpat dictum. Maecenas a varius velit. Aliquam sit amet ex nec nunc viverra sollicitudin non ac nunc. Aliquam in turpis sed justo tempor eleifend at.

Omniscient Eye

Omniscient Eye

Omniscient Eye Lore: “I have seen too much. No one else should bear these burdens.” —Lisbon-13, Hunter of the Kentarch 3 Discover More Weapons Here – ext Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ornare placerat interdum. Integer sollicitudin gravida sem quis tempor. In pharetra placerat molestie. Nam sodales finibus est sed gravida. Sed tristique semper mi, sed finibus ex vulputate molestie. Suspendisse mollis quam ut aliquam sodales. Proin elementum, odio in auctor volutpat, arcu arcu consectetur diam, quis porttitor nibh quam a lacus. Donec efficitur vitae erat at auctor. Suspendisse erat mauris, mollis nec justo ac, fringilla ultrices neque. Pellentesque vel facilisis ipsum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Suspendisse dignissim urna dui, quis posuere magna tincidunt eu. Nam vitae pulvinar dui, a auctor ex. Morbi in aliquet magna. Maecenas luctus dui ac tellus volutpat tempor. Quisque at vehicula lacus, in molestie tellus. Duis consequat odio sit amet posuere pulvinar. Quisque sapien ex, porttitor eget imperdiet eu, varius quis nibh. Praesent id rhoncus dui. Duis nunc ex, accumsan quis fringilla ut, scelerisque eu lectus. Sed tristique non elit sed porttitor. Etiam scelerisque elit mi, et bibendum metus egestas vitae. Proin a purus a ligula eleifend eleifend. Proin nec molestie odio. Proin tincidunt neque congue enim sodales eleifend a et velit. Sed mollis quis dolor ut semper. Phasellus nisi lacus, egestas sed lectus a, finibus lacinia massa. Nulla consectetur nibh quis varius porta. Donec ac dui id ex ultrices lobortis. Pellentesque lacinia erat vel massa ultricies, eget feugiat neque fermentum. Nam vestibulum metus ac est dignissim rutrum. Sed aliquet egestas turpis, ac molestie urna fringilla et. Vivamus ut mauris pretium ante aliquet dapibus. Morbi a pellentesque massa. In nibh leo, tincidunt gravida urna at, suscipit finibus turpis. Duis sed dictum dolor. Etiam tincidunt mauris nec turpis volutpat dictum. Maecenas a varius velit. Aliquam sit amet ex nec nunc viverra sollicitudin non ac nunc. Aliquam in turpis sed justo tempor eleifend at.

Sojourner’s Tale

Sojourner's Tale

Sojourner’s Tale Lore: Home is just over the horizon. The pipes are silent. Ether production is paused during batch loading, and in that interstitial time, Spider’s lair feels like a tomb. Every creak and groan of his throne becomes excruciatingly pronounced. Spider reclines against one arm, rolling a dead Ghost’s shell in one hand, scraping a clawed finger across its gray, lifeless eye. The arrival of a trusted associate pulls Spider from his thoughts. “Avrok,” Spider bellows, turning his attention to the armored Eliksni striding through the doorway, “what did you find?” Avrok approaches Spider’s throne, wringing his hands together anxiously. “Our thief, my lord.” Spider leans forward with a groan of the cables suspending his throne. “And what did you do to them?” he asks in greedy anticipation. That, however, is where Avrok falters. “I did not… catch them, my lord,” Avrok humbly answers, his much smaller frame eclipsed in Spider’s shadow. “But I have a name.” “Out with it,” Spider grouses, falling back against his throne with deflated interest. “The Crow.” Spider’s blood turns to fire. His grip tightens on that dead Ghost so hard its shell cracks. Spider continues squeezing it until the glass eye completely pops. Then he takes a moment to compose himself. “Our little bird, come home to the nest so soon? Tell me everything.” “He was able to infiltrate the storehouse,” Avrok explains, “and coerced a team of laborers to offload cargo promised to the empress onto a Skiff, which he then… stole. Along with a cache of your more—ah—personal belongings, among which was the quantum opal.” Avrok shrinks lower, lower, lower. “The supplies were delivered to Mithrax. In your name. As a gift.” “And the workers?” Spider growls. “They are gone?” Avrok doesn’t mean to make it sound like a question, and regrets taking the tone immediately. “To where, exactly?” “They…” Avrok takes a small step back from Spider’s throne. “Left.” He clenches his jaws. “With the Crow.” Spider slowly leans forward again. “For Earth,” Avrok concludes. The Ether pipes begin to hum and rattle as a new batch begins production elsewhere in the complex. The noises rise in intensity, turning into the familiar hissing wail that joins with the uncomfortable sound of Spider. Laughing. The Baron of the Shore throws his dead Ghost at Avrok who ducks away from it, covering his head with his hands. “He’s taking them to Mithrax,” Spider says between fitful chuckles and wheezing coughs. “He steals—from me—and gives it to the House of Light? Unbelievable.” Though behind the laughter and coughs, there is a hint of appreciation in his tone. “The kid’s grown a spine.” “There is,” Avrok starts, offering Spider a folded piece of paper, “one more thing. He left this behind.” Spider’s seal is scribbled on one side. “For you.” As Spider unfolds the note, Avrok creeps further away from the throne. Inside is nothing more than a crude drawing and a rude missive. “That little sh— ” The pipes are howling. Discover More Weapons Here



Legato-11 Lore: SUROS makes an effortless impact. Discover More Weapons Here – ext Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ornare placerat interdum. Integer sollicitudin gravida sem quis tempor. In pharetra placerat molestie. Nam sodales finibus est sed gravida. Sed tristique semper mi, sed finibus ex vulputate molestie. Suspendisse mollis quam ut aliquam sodales. Proin elementum, odio in auctor volutpat, arcu arcu consectetur diam, quis porttitor nibh quam a lacus. Donec efficitur vitae erat at auctor. Suspendisse erat mauris, mollis nec justo ac, fringilla ultrices neque. Pellentesque vel facilisis ipsum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Suspendisse dignissim urna dui, quis posuere magna tincidunt eu. Nam vitae pulvinar dui, a auctor ex. Morbi in aliquet magna. Maecenas luctus dui ac tellus volutpat tempor. Quisque at vehicula lacus, in molestie tellus. Duis consequat odio sit amet posuere pulvinar. Quisque sapien ex, porttitor eget imperdiet eu, varius quis nibh. Praesent id rhoncus dui. Duis nunc ex, accumsan quis fringilla ut, scelerisque eu lectus. Sed tristique non elit sed porttitor. Etiam scelerisque elit mi, et bibendum metus egestas vitae. Proin a purus a ligula eleifend eleifend. Proin nec molestie odio. Proin tincidunt neque congue enim sodales eleifend a et velit. Sed mollis quis dolor ut semper. Phasellus nisi lacus, egestas sed lectus a, finibus lacinia massa. Nulla consectetur nibh quis varius porta. Donec ac dui id ex ultrices lobortis. Pellentesque lacinia erat vel massa ultricies, eget feugiat neque fermentum. Nam vestibulum metus ac est dignissim rutrum. Sed aliquet egestas turpis, ac molestie urna fringilla et. Vivamus ut mauris pretium ante aliquet dapibus. Morbi a pellentesque massa. In nibh leo, tincidunt gravida urna at, suscipit finibus turpis. Duis sed dictum dolor. Etiam tincidunt mauris nec turpis volutpat dictum. Maecenas a varius velit. Aliquam sit amet ex nec nunc viverra sollicitudin non ac nunc. Aliquam in turpis sed justo tempor eleifend at.

Jurassic Green

Jurassic Green

Jurassic Green Lore: “‘Monster’ is a relative term. Just look at the Drifter.” —Glint Foreword to “The Book of the Forgotten” Sol is filled with monsters. More than I imagined could possibly exist in one system. So far, the list includes: Alien robots that bend time, blot out the sun, and drive people crazy. Floating witches that birth squirming hordes of cannibals, all driven to murder by parasitic worms. Armored walrus people who conquer planets and subjugate whole races. Undead mobs of rotting alien corpses, animated by Dark Ether. Clans of interstellar insects trying to steal a small planetoid for its energy signature. And most recently, ominous triangular ships of unknown origin that send spooky telepathic messages. But in my opinion, the most bizarre monsters in all of Sol are a gang of heavily armed zombies, made eternal by pint-sized cybernetic constructs (some of whom are lovers of folk tales). Sol may be a strange and crowded place, but the next time someone tells you of a bizarre new monster (like a shadowy clique of pumpkin-headed phantoms), think twice before you dismiss them. That monster may be your new neighbor. Happy Festival of the Lost! —Glint, the smallest monster Discover More Weapons Here – ext Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ornare placerat interdum. Integer sollicitudin gravida sem quis tempor. In pharetra placerat molestie. Nam sodales finibus est sed gravida. Sed tristique semper mi, sed finibus ex vulputate molestie. Suspendisse mollis quam ut aliquam sodales. Proin elementum, odio in auctor volutpat, arcu arcu consectetur diam, quis porttitor nibh quam a lacus. Donec efficitur vitae erat at auctor. Suspendisse erat mauris, mollis nec justo ac, fringilla ultrices neque. Pellentesque vel facilisis ipsum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Suspendisse dignissim oki doki report noob.

Still Hunt

Still Hunt

Still Hunt Lore: There are too many ways to kill someone who needs killing. Cayde-6 spends the first night of his rebirth staring at the man who murdered him. The prince he once knew as Uldren lies with his back to Cayde, head on his arm, cushioned by soft grass. Under a sky without stars, granite boulders are scattered like vast marbles, nestled among the tall prairie grasses; a safe, silent valley born in the moment of their arrival. Time had grown oily without the familiar cycles of Earth, and after hours of half-conversations and stunted questions, the other man had excused himself to rest. Uldren sleeps soundly. Vulnerable. Cayde leans back against a boulder, arms crossed in the half-shadow of the fire between them. An impulse curls through him, dark and wild. It would only take a moment. He could put a shot straight through the Ghost’s shell. Then improvise a garotte with a handful of prairie grass and strangle the man while looking him dead in the eye. Or crush the Ghost with his hands, to stand tall and powerful over the sleeping figure, and relive his own death from his killer’s perspective. Better yet, he could capture the Ghost, set the man free, and hunt him in furious pursuit— Cayde flinches and looks up to see his murderer’s Ghost hovering in place, watching him, illuminated by the flickering coals of a dying fire. A motionless, protective stance. Cayde narrows his eyes. His hand slowly moves to his gun. Ghost and Exo stare through one another. The man beneath the Ghost stirs but does not wake. Then, in a fluid motion, the Ghost glides past his Guardian’s cheek, silently approaching Cayde. It draws close. “I’m sorry about Sundance,” whispers the Ghost. Cayde stills at her name. His hands and his gaze drops to the ground, pinned there now by a heavy shame. “Thanks,” is all Cayde can muster. He looks at the sleeping man nestled on the grass of the inside of a god and sees nothing of Uldren. Crow, Cayde reminds himself. That’s Crow. Discover More Weapons Here

Red Death Reformed

Red Death Reformed

Red Death Reformed Lore: Vanguard policy still urges Guardians to destroy this weapon on sight. First is disassembly, taking extra caution for the well-honed bayonet. After disassembly comes cleaning. She gathers the swabs, the oils, the corrosive agents. Red Death clings to the grime of its past battles. She scrapes it with spinmetal wool for hours before the last signs of the skulls stenciled into the body finally vanish. The team had taken the butcher down before he’d added a mark for Ceto, Light of her Light. The weapon’s tally is one short. Even reduced to pieces, the Red Death is a malevolent presence. It knows its purpose. It wants to continue its work. After cleaning comes purification. She reassembles the weapon and cradles it as though to fire. Her Light boils up, turning radiant. The flare of Solar Light is the advent of warmth after a cold night, the healing power of life itself. Wings spread high on her back and paint scorch marks along the ceiling. In her arms Red Death glows red, then yellow, then white. It fights the change. She does not let go. Its shadows burn away, one by one, until none are left. After purification comes dedication. Slowly, she lets go of her Light. Her wings flicker, then fade. And when Red Death is cold metal in her hands once more, a kernel of Solar Light lingers within. Its purpose made new. She will find those who would strip Guardians of their final life. She will bring them into the light. Not for revenge, but for justice. For Ceto. Discover More Weapons Here – ext Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ornare placerat interdum. Integer sollicitudin gravida sem quis tempor. In pharetra placerat molestie. Nam sodales finibus est sed gravida.

False Idols

False Idols

False Idols Lore: “Lay onto me your burdens.” There is a single jade coin marked with the silhouette of a Pyramid ship. “Keep playing the game.” The Emissary of the Nine’s voice haunts Drifter. A voice that once belonged to Orin. Standing on the bridge of the H.E.L.M., he can’t hear the ship’s running noise or the chatter of the navigation frames. All he can hear is— “The furrow in your brow reveals you.” Eris comes to stand beside Drifter at the windows. Their muted reflections pale in comparison to the magenta light spilling from the triangular wound in the Traveler’s side. “Yeah, I bet it does,” Drifter grouses, rolling the coin over the back of his fingers. “S’why you hide yours, eh?” He hides his worry behind a toothy smile. “No.” Eris reaches out and takes Drifter’s hand; calloused fingers brush across his knuckles. He tenses for a moment, then relaxes at the touch. She deftly plucks the coin away from his palm, regarding it with a mild curiosity. He feels lighter without it. “Cryptic non-answers are not a useful totem for you to carry into the future,” she asserts, pocketing the coin. Drifter cocks an eyebrow. “You got somethin’ better?” Eris watches his expression in the reflection. “Indeed. A ray of moonlight, and nothing more.” Discover More Weapons Here – ext Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ornare placerat interdum. Integer sollicitudin gravida sem quis tempor. In pharetra placerat molestie. Nam sodales finibus est sed gravida. Sed tristique semper mi, sed finibus ex vulputate molestie. Suspendisse mollis quam ut aliquam sodales. Proin elementum, odio in auctor volutpat, arcu arcu consectetur diam, quis porttitor nibh quam a lacus. Donec efficitur vitae erat at auctor. Suspendisse erat mauris, mollis nec justo ac, fringilla ultrices neque. Pellentesque vel



Speleologist Lore: “There is a Human phrase: Many hands make light work.” —Eido, Scribe of House Light “Saint-14? Osiris?” Eido approached the Titan and his partner in the Tower hangar, clutching a stack of datapads. Saint looked up, nodding at a group of Guardians as they left him. A flock of pigeons scattered as Eido approached. “I greet you in the Light,” she said hurriedly. “And my father extends his greeting as well, though he could not accompany me at the present moment.” “Greetings, Eido!” Saint said warmly. “What is it that I can do for you?” Eido cleared her throat, nodding as she reached for the speech she had rehearsed in her head. “I understand that you are sending fireteams to Nessus and have enlisted the help of a Golden Age AI named Failsafe. I have read Ikora Rey’s reports, and—” “How did you gain access to Ikora’s reports?” Osiris asked curiously. Eido gave a sheepish chuckle, but avoided the question. “I believe I have discovered a way to augment Failsafe’s systems so that her scans of the Vex network yield more data. I am no Splicer, but if I can accompany the Guardians, I—” “Eido,” Saint said gently. “Nessus is no place for civilians.” Osiris was silent at this. Eido huffed. “I think I’ve proven myself more than capable,” Eido said, though even as she spoke, she knew it was a creative interpretation of the truth. Her father could not be there to defend her, and expecting Eramis to return and protect her again was naïve. “I see the Drifter has put ideas into your head,” Saint said, chuckling. But his laughter faded when he saw Eido’s plain disappointment. “The Vex are a threat, young Eido,” he said gently. “I cannot let my friend’s daughter risk her life because she is bored.” “I am not bored!” she said, indignant. “I only want to help.” “You can help from the Tower and the Eliksni Quarter,” Saint answered. “But—” “I cannot allow it,” Saint said, his voice firm. Then Osiris put a hand on the Exo’s shoulder. “Actually,” Osiris said to the Eliksni, “I’d rather have you at the H.E.L.M., Scribe Eido. If your proposed augments can boost efficiency, you should discuss them with Failsafe as soon as possible.” “Oh!” The Scribe hesitated, considering her options. “I… suppose that could be sufficient.” There was a moment of silence as Eido looked away, choosing her next words carefully. “Is Failsafe… nice?” Eido asked. “I’ve heard, ah… contradictory information.” Saint hummed in thought as he also searched for the right words. “Yes… and no.” Eido looked at him quizzically. Saint shrugged his shoulders. “Ah, you will see for yourself,” he said. Discover More Weapons Here


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