Origin Story
![Origin Story](https://gamearchive.app/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/origin-story.jpg)
Origin Story Lore: Your inciting incident is their tragic ending. Discover More Weapons Here – ext Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ornare placerat interdum. Integer sollicitudin gravida sem quis tempor. In pharetra placerat molestie. Nam sodales finibus est sed gravida. Sed tristique semper mi, sed finibus ex vulputate molestie. Suspendisse mollis quam ut aliquam sodales. Proin elementum, odio in auctor volutpat, arcu arcu consectetur diam, quis porttitor nibh quam a lacus. Donec efficitur vitae erat at auctor. Suspendisse erat mauris, mollis nec justo ac, fringilla ultrices neque. Pellentesque vel facilisis ipsum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Suspendisse dignissim urna dui, quis posuere magna tincidunt eu. Nam vitae pulvinar dui, a auctor ex. Morbi in aliquet magna. Maecenas luctus dui ac tellus volutpat tempor. Quisque at vehicula lacus, in molestie tellus. Duis consequat odio sit amet posuere pulvinar. Quisque sapien ex, porttitor eget imperdiet eu, varius quis nibh. Praesent id rhoncus dui. Duis nunc ex, accumsan quis fringilla ut, scelerisque eu lectus. Sed tristique non elit sed porttitor. Etiam scelerisque elit mi, et bibendum metus egestas vitae. Proin a purus a ligula eleifend eleifend. Proin nec molestie odio. Proin tincidunt neque congue enim sodales eleifend a et velit. Sed mollis quis dolor ut semper. Phasellus nisi lacus, egestas sed lectus a, finibus lacinia massa. Nulla consectetur nibh quis varius porta. Donec ac dui id ex ultrices lobortis. Pellentesque lacinia erat vel massa ultricies, eget feugiat neque fermentum. Nam vestibulum metus ac est dignissim rutrum. Sed aliquet egestas turpis, ac molestie urna fringilla et. Vivamus ut mauris pretium ante aliquet dapibus. Morbi a pellentesque massa. In nibh leo, tincidunt gravida urna at, suscipit finibus turpis. Duis sed dictum dolor. Etiam tincidunt mauris nec turpis volutpat dictum. Maecenas a varius velit. Aliquam sit amet ex nec nunc viverra sollicitudin non ac nunc. Aliquam in turpis sed justo tempor eleifend at.
Khvostov 7G-02
![Khvostov 7G-02](https://gamearchive.app/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/khvostov-7g-02.jpg)
Khvostov 7G-02 Lore: “You don’t know how long I’ve been looking for you.” Day 1. The world is dead, but there’s peace in the mortuary silence. I’m born into this dead world, where dandelions grow up through layers of ash blanketing miles of desolate road. Day 673. There is a stretch of land, a canyon through which water once flowed. A canal cut into the earth, bristling with derelict ships and countless dead. Flowers bloom in many desiccated carcasses. Each component of this world’s decomposition has a purpose: water flows, cities decay, flowers bloom. Yet still I search for mine. Day 1,857. Oceans are vast, lonely expanses. Though life flourishes in the depths, it’s not life that I’m looking for. I thrive on death—search for death. Perhaps my purpose lies below the water, but it’s dark, and lonely, and I… I don’t want to look there yet. Not when there’s so much more horizon. Day 6,231. I was careless, and someone shot me from all the way across a field. The bullet only chipped my shell, but it spun me around and left me shaken. I don’t know who they were or even why I was targeted. I played dead, and no one came for me. I laid in the tall grass for nine days. It rained on the fifth. I acquainted myself with the ants. They are survivors. Day 36,725. This world is dead, but life is threatening a return. I don’t know when I’ll ever fulfill my purpose, but I know what I am. I’m a ghost haunting the grave of humanity. A Ghost with a calling. Discover More Weapons Here – ext Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ornare placerat interdum. Integer sollicitudin gravida sem quis tempor. In pharetra placerat molestie. Nam sodales finibus est sed gravida./span>
Outbreak Perfected
![Outbreak Perfected](https://gamearchive.app/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/outbreak-perfected.jpg)
Outbreak Perfected Lore: ~directive = KILL while enemies = PRESENT: execute(directive)~ The Captain stands with his primary hands braced on a command table. He stares down at a static holoprojection as though it might reveal some new secret. Nearby, the Hunter combs through scout reports. The Warlock taps rapidly at a datapad, running simulation after simulation. No one speaks. There is a deafening boom. The holoprojection flickers; the whole Skiff tilts seventy degrees off-kilter. The Captain holds tight to the table, reaching out with a secondary arm to snatch the Hunter as he goes toppling by. The Warlock is not a concern; she has Blinked her way to a secure handhold. The Captain calls to his crew, speaking Eliksni too fast for the Hunter or the Warlock to follow. Someone calls back. The Skiff tilts nauseously, then stabilizes. “Eramis?” the Warlock asks. The Captain nods. Letting go of the Hunter, he disappears through an access hatch to consult with his crew. “I don’t like this,” the Hunter says lowly. “We should be there with him.” The Warlock chews on her lower lip. She doesn’t like it either, but they’ve argued endlessly with their Captain and gained no ground. “We have to trust him,” she says finally. “This is what he wants.” “Trust him to die?” the Hunter hisses. “Let’s break down how stupid this is: not only does he wants to infiltrate the Tower without us, he’s planning to wear Devils colors to interrupt a Devils heist to reclaim SIVA. And instead of leaning on us, his good Guardian friends, he’s banking on some stranger—” “Not a stranger,” the Warlock cuts in. “Fine! Not a stranger, but definitely not a friend!” The Hunter grits his teeth. “We should do it. We need to do it. Let’s just go; let’s go now. We can cut them off.” He conjures his Ghost with a twist of his wrist, readying for transmat. “We have to trust him,” the Warlock repeats, reaching out to grasp the Hunter’s forearm. “I think he’s right when he says it doesn’t mean anything if we do it. Guardians do extraordinary things all the time. And he needs more allies…” The Captain reenters their little ad-hoc war room. They draw up guiltily. The Hunter hides his Ghost. “All well?” he asks, looking between them. “Eia, Mithrax,” the Warlock murmurs. “We’re all good.” The Hunter says nothing. “We walk this hardship-path with joyful hearts. Be brave.” Discover More Weapons Here
Multimach CCX
![Multimach CCX](https://gamearchive.app/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/multimach-ccx.jpg)
Multimach CCX Lore: Friends are as companions on a journey who ought to aid each other to persevere. Lord Saladin sat at a small table, examining a holographic display of Cabal troop movements throughout the system. He was crammed into the corner of his once-spacious quarters, made small over the years by shelves full of ancient weaponry, trophies, dated tactical reports, and dusty gear mods. Like all old men, he told himself that the relics might prove useful again one day, but deep down, he recognized the clutter for what it was: fading nostalgia. A firm knock on the door roused his attention. He put his hand on his Sidearm and peered through the viewing port. It was Ikora, holding a brown paper sack. The Iron Lord snorted and opened the door. “Thought you might be hungry.” Ikora held up the sack. “Is Thai okay?” Lord Saladin ushered her in. “It’s all the same to me.” The Warlock breezed into the room and set about clearing space for the food. Though she said nothing, Saladin could sense her alarm at the state of his dwelling. Her eyes lingered in the mildewed corners. Her nostrils flared at the sour smell of his armor’s fur lining. Her fingers traced visible lines in the dust. She handed him a bamboo bowl filled with savory noodles. “How are you, Lord Saladin?” Her head tilted with earnest concern. “I’ll be better once Caiatl is out of the system.” The Iron Lord, who could field-strip any weapon in under a minute, was suddenly made clumsy by a pair of disposable chopsticks. The delicate utensils trembled in his massive, weather-beaten hands. “Zavala seems confident that you can force her withdrawal.” Ikora held her bowl and leaned gracefully against the table, having no place to sit. “Zavala’s optimism is more dangerous than Caiatl’s army,” he said and scowled. “But after peace talks fail, we’ll drive them out the hard way. We always do.” Saladin discarded the chopsticks with a frown and tilted the bowl to his lips, slurping the noodles loudly. “Of course. And after that? What will you do?” Ikora fixed him with a gentle gaze. “A vacation, perhaps?” Saladin gestured to the tactical hologram. “By the time we deal with the Cabal, it’ll be on to the next atrocity. Vex, Hive, Taken, Fallen, who knows. It’s always something.” He eyed Ikora pointedly. “When was the last time you had a vacation?” Ikora raised an eyebrow. “Fair point. But you’ve been at this a lot longer than I have.” “That’s right, I have.” Saladin’s retort was sharper than intended. He paused before continuing, “I’m happier out in the field. Battle keeps me fresh. Keeps me connected. It’s being here at the Tower, staring at these damn reports, listening to all this politicking that makes me tired.” “And what would you do if we won?” Ikora pressed her point. “What if we destroyed the Black Fleet tomorrow, and there were no more battles to fight. What would you do then?” Saladin scoffed at the Warlock’s nonsense. “Well, in that case… I suppose I’d take a vacation.” The two warriors eyed each other in stony silence, before breaking out in relieved chuckles. The moment of levity briefly softened the Iron Lord. “Don’t worry, Ikora. I’m fine.” The Warlock’s eyebrow arched as she surveyed the surrounding mess. Saladin held firm under her scrutiny for a moment, before relenting with an exasperated sigh. “If it’ll make you feel better,” he grumbled, “I’ll get some eager New Lights in here to clean up a bit.” “It would, thank you.” Ikora’s eyebrows knitted in concern. “You know, with Zavala stretched so thin, and without a Hunter Vanguard, I worry about our readiness. You know what’s coming. We need the Iron Lords now more than ever.” Saladin’s eyes drifted back to the tactical display. “I know it, young pup. I’ll always be here when you need me.” Discover More Weapons Here
Cold Front
![Cold Front](https://gamearchive.app/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/cold-front-1.jpg)
Cold Front Lore: Sweep in like a force of nature. Leave destruction in your wake. Discover More Weapons Here – ext Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ornare placerat interdum. Integer sollicitudin gravida sem quis tempor. In pharetra placerat molestie. Nam sodales finibus est sed gravida. Sed tristique semper mi, sed finibus ex vulputate molestie. Suspendisse mollis quam ut aliquam sodales. Proin elementum, odio in auctor volutpat, arcu arcu consectetur diam, quis porttitor nibh quam a lacus. Donec efficitur vitae erat at auctor. Suspendisse erat mauris, mollis nec justo ac, fringilla ultrices neque. Pellentesque vel facilisis ipsum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Suspendisse dignissim urna dui, quis posuere magna tincidunt eu. Nam vitae pulvinar dui, a auctor ex. Morbi in aliquet magna. Maecenas luctus dui ac tellus volutpat tempor. Quisque at vehicula lacus, in molestie tellus. Duis consequat odio sit amet posuere pulvinar. Quisque sapien ex, porttitor eget imperdiet eu, varius quis nibh. Praesent id rhoncus dui. Duis nunc ex, accumsan quis fringilla ut, scelerisque eu lectus. Sed tristique non elit sed porttitor. Etiam scelerisque elit mi, et bibendum metus egestas vitae. Proin a purus a ligula eleifend eleifend. Proin nec molestie odio. Proin tincidunt neque congue enim sodales eleifend a et velit. Sed mollis quis dolor ut semper. Phasellus nisi lacus, egestas sed lectus a, finibus lacinia massa. Nulla consectetur nibh quis varius porta. Donec ac dui id ex ultrices lobortis. Pellentesque lacinia erat vel massa ultricies, eget feugiat neque fermentum. Nam vestibulum metus ac est dignissim rutrum. Sed aliquet egestas turpis, ac molestie urna fringilla et. Vivamus ut mauris pretium ante aliquet dapibus. Morbi a pellentesque massa. In nibh leo, tincidunt gravida urna at, suscipit finibus turpis. Duis sed dictum dolor. Etiam tincidunt mauris nec turpis volutpat dictum. Maecenas a varius velit. Aliquam sit amet ex nec nunc viverra sollicitudin non ac nunc. Aliquam in turpis sed justo tempor eleifend at.
Adjudicator Lore: “Hesitation kills.” —Emissary of the Nine You sought us out in the deep black. meditation wasn’t enough for you GO AND TOUCH THE HISSING SILENCE Do not fear being submerged. Not many ships go that far, these days. you went through hell to get one, and then again to get out there YOU FOUND THE DEVIL HIMSELF. A G O L D E N S N A K E A D E V I L W H O P O S E S A S G O D No more a god than you. YOU DIDN’T FIGHT HIM. Y O U T U R N E D A R O U N D S M A R T Others did. while we watched Discover More Weapons Here – ext Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ornare placerat interdum. Integer sollicitudin gravida sem quis tempor. In pharetra placerat molestie. Nam sodales finibus est sed gravida. Sed tristique semper mi, sed finibus ex vulputate molestie. Suspendisse mollis quam ut aliquam sodales. Proin elementum, odio in auctor volutpat, arcu arcu consectetur diam, quis porttitor nibh quam a lacus. Donec efficitur vitae erat at auctor. Suspendisse erat mauris, mollis nec justo ac, fringilla ultrices neque. Pellentesque vel facilisis ipsum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Suspendisse dignissim urna dui, quis posuere magna tincidunt eu. Nam vitae pulvinar dui, a auctor ex. Morbi in aliquet magna. Maecenas luctus dui ac tellus volutpat tempor. Quisque at vehicula lacus, in molestie tellus. Duis consequat odio sit amet posuere pulvinar. Quisque sapien ex, porttitor eget imperdiet eu, varius quis nibh. Praesent id rhoncus dui. Duis nunc ex, accumsan quis fringilla ut, scelerisque eu lectus. Sed tristique non elit sed porttitor. Etiam scelerisque elit mi, et
Succession Lore: A single word etched inside the barrel: “Sylvie-1.” Four-year-old Eld leaned into Perilla-28’s side, a half-eaten cracker forgotten and crumbling in his small hands. “Did you know I was in the City for Six Fronts? I was already here, though I wouldn’t meet your great-great-grandma for a long time yet.” “There wasn’t a City then,” Eld said confidently. “It was all mud.” Perilla-28 laughed. “No, it was a true city by the time I got here. When the walls were finished, we threw the biggest party I’d ever seen. We thought we were finally safe…” She paused, a hand on Eld’s fine hair, lost in her memories. Eld tugged at her sleeve. “And then what?” “And then the Guardians protected us. Better than any wall could.” The Traveler’s departure had left a hole in the City sky. Perilla gazed up at it. “That’s what they do. That’s what they always do.” Eld had stopped listening. He was shaking the cracker crumbs off his hands onto Perilla’s dress. “Auntie,” he said very seriously, “I need some juice.” Discover More Weapons Here – ext Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ornare placerat interdum. Integer sollicitudin gravida sem quis tempor. In pharetra placerat molestie. Nam sodales finibus est sed gravida. Sed tristique semper mi, sed finibus ex vulputate molestie. Suspendisse mollis quam ut aliquam sodales. Proin elementum, odio in auctor volutpat, arcu arcu consectetur diam, quis porttitor nibh quam a lacus. Donec efficitur vitae erat at auctor. Suspendisse erat mauris, mollis nec justo ac, fringilla ultrices neque. Pellentesque vel facilisis ipsum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Suspendisse dignissim urna dui, quis posuere magna tincidunt eu. Nam vitae pulvinar dui, a auctor ex. Morbi in aliquet magna. Maecenas luctus dui ac tellus volutpat tempor.
Eye of Sol (Adept)
![Eye of Sol (Adept)](https://gamearchive.app/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/eye-of-sol-adept.jpg)
Eye of Sol (Adept) Lore: “The sun took my sight; thus, the sun became my eyes.” —Parables of the Allspring It was Crimiq-5’s honor to hold the flank. Sun at his back, there was no better position to provide overwatch in the Burning Shrine. He was the watchtower, and none would escape his vigil. Curt radio chatter signaled his fireteam’s advance as he called out enemy maneuvers. Crimiq-5 watched tense bursts of movement and exchanges of fire as his team jockeyed for position. Sola had ripped through their previous opponents with off-putting ferocity, and Crimiq was ready for this to be their last match of the day. He looked over her through his scope. Sola’s silhouette marinated in an eerie shimmer that distorted the air as she moved. He stilled his body and sent a shot over her head to force an opponent back into cover. “Aiming a little close.” Sola sent a glare over her shoulder into the sun. Crimiq-5 moved his scope off her. “Duck.” His earpiece crackled. Katake’s voice drilled into his head. “THUNDERCRASH… Help!” Katake’s voice screeched out of existence as the lightning overtook him and Saint bellowed. Crimiq saw a bright flash burst from the hallway leading toward C-point. “Be advised, I’m leaving the perch. Moving to trade for Katake.” He slid into position and snapped his trusted long rifle down lane. His sights found an unlucky Titan, lightning still crackling from their armor. “Fate Cries Foul for you, brother.” The shot hit squarely, and the Titan dropped. “Sorry I couldn’t save you Katake. Next time.” Discover More Weapons Here – ext Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ornare placerat interdum. Integer sollicitudin gravida sem quis tempor. In pharetra placerat molestie. Nam sodales finibus est sed gravida. Sed tristique semper mi,
Eye of Sol
![Eye of Sol](https://gamearchive.app/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/eye-of-sol.jpg)
Eye of Sol Lore: “The sun took my sight; thus, the sun became my eyes.” —Parables of the Allspring It was Crimiq-5’s honor to hold the flank. Sun at his back, there was no better position to provide overwatch in the Burning Shrine. He was the watchtower, and none would escape his vigil. Curt radio chatter signaled his fireteam’s advance as he called out enemy maneuvers. Crimiq-5 watched tense bursts of movement and exchanges of fire as his team jockeyed for position. Sola had ripped through their previous opponents with off-putting ferocity, and Crimiq was ready for this to be their last match of the day. He looked over her through his scope. Sola’s silhouette marinated in an eerie shimmer that distorted the air as she moved. He stilled his body and sent a shot over her head to force an opponent back into cover. “Aiming a little close.” Sola sent a glare over her shoulder into the sun. Crimiq-5 moved his scope off her. “Duck.” His earpiece crackled. Katake’s voice drilled into his head. “THUNDERCRASH… Help!” Katake’s voice screeched out of existence as the lightning overtook him and Saint bellowed. Crimiq saw a bright flash burst from the hallway leading toward C-point. “Be advised, I’m leaving the perch. Moving to trade for Katake.” He slid into position and snapped his trusted long rifle down lane. His sights found an unlucky Titan, lightning still crackling from their armor. “Fate Cries Foul for you, brother.” The shot hit squarely, and the Titan dropped. “Sorry I couldn’t save you Katake. Next time.” Discover More Weapons Here – ext Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ornare placerat interdum. Integer sollicitudin gravida sem quis tempor. In pharetra placerat molestie. Nam sodales finibus est sed gravida. Sed tristique semper mi, sed finibus
Riiswalker Lore: “No. I will not allow a Fallen to fight in the Banner, that right is reserved for Guardians alone. But if you insist, I may allow a Guardian to carry a Fallen-forged weapon into battle. You are a weaponsmith, are you not?” —Lord Saladin to an Unknown Eliksni Discover More Weapons Here – ext Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ornare placerat interdum. Integer sollicitudin gravida sem quis tempor. In pharetra placerat molestie. Nam sodales finibus est sed gravida. Sed tristique semper mi, sed finibus ex vulputate molestie. Suspendisse mollis quam ut aliquam sodales. Proin elementum, odio in auctor volutpat, arcu arcu consectetur diam, quis porttitor nibh quam a lacus. Donec efficitur vitae erat at auctor. Suspendisse erat mauris, mollis nec justo ac, fringilla ultrices neque. Pellentesque vel facilisis ipsum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Suspendisse dignissim urna dui, quis posuere magna tincidunt eu. Nam vitae pulvinar dui, a auctor ex. Morbi in aliquet magna. Maecenas luctus dui ac tellus volutpat tempor. Quisque at vehicula lacus, in molestie tellus. Duis consequat odio sit amet posuere pulvinar. Quisque sapien ex, porttitor eget imperdiet eu, varius quis nibh. Praesent id rhoncus dui. Duis nunc ex, accumsan quis fringilla ut, scelerisque eu lectus. Sed tristique non elit sed porttitor. Etiam scelerisque elit mi, et bibendum metus egestas vitae. Proin a purus a ligula eleifend eleifend. Proin nec molestie odio. Proin tincidunt neque congue enim sodales eleifend a et velit. Sed mollis quis dolor ut semper. Phasellus nisi lacus, egestas sed lectus a, finibus lacinia massa. Nulla consectetur nibh quis varius porta. Donec ac dui id ex ultrices lobortis. Pellentesque lacinia erat vel massa ultricies, eget feugiat neque fermentum. Nam vestibulum metus ac est dignissim rutrum. Sed aliquet egestas turpis, ac molestie urna fringilla